NATURE\CONNECT by Danielle Jacques, Barbra Prada & Helen Dear
29th September - 31st October
Working in different disciplines, artists Danielle Jacques, Barbara Prada and Helen Dear investigate the extent to which the human condition is bound with the natural world.
“For the artist, communication with nature remains the most essential condition. The artist is human; himself nature; part of nature within natural space” Paul Klee
From the micro to the macro, natural phenomena influence our states of mind. The seasons affect our circadian rhythms. Immersing ourselves in natural geometries can affect our emotions. Being in commune with nature, we experience positive shifts in body and mind.
Over time, as societies and lifestyles have changed and with the introduction of technological advances, we have forgotten how intrinsically linked we are with our wider environment. This has led to the exploitation of our planet and a disregard for the natural world’s powerful effect on our emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
NATURE\CONNECT presents works in a variety of mediums that interpret patterns found in the natural world and explores the visceral human response to these phenomena.